A New Year ! A New Beginning ! New Resolutions ? Forget IT !

And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And days of auld lang syne?
And days of auld lang syne, my dear,
And days of auld lang syne.
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And days of auld lang syne?
Sigh... whenever you hear this song, you know that the year is coming to an end.
All whatever you have done, or you have not done, it's time to take a stock-check.
Other than taking a stock check, everyone will be asking you "What's your New Year's Resolutions arh?"
After so many years, I have learnt not make any NY's resolutions, simple reason being - I CAN'T STICK TO THE RESOLUTIONS... so what's the point of cracking my brain cells now just to make some resolutions that I don't think I will stick or keep to it for the next 365 days. Forget it lah.. we are no longer in schools where teachers make us write down at least 5 resolutions for the next year (as if they bother to check at the end of the year to see if you have achieved your goals).. and in this bloody F**king working life, we also won't need these resolutions in our KPIs or in getting our bonuses.. but maybe... maybe one resolution is to learn how to bootlick ? so that more performance bonuses $$ will be rolling into our banks?
Anyway, enough crap for the morning..
Here's wishing everyone a very Happy & Joyous New Year ! May all your dreams and whatever you wish for, whatever your resolutions, COME TRUE !
Share with you this few words which i extracted from a card :
The New Year rolls in on a cloud
that turns the world like a white page
In the cold snow-light of the day we read
the narratives of the hours of night;
the journeyings of fox, cat, rabbit and badger,
each with its twists, its evasions, its doubling-back.
And as we return, wrapped up in our scarves
and hoods, like nursery creatures
that lost and found themselves in the wood,
we're amused by the prints of the story so far
and the fields of the future closed like an uncut book.
- Stuart Henson