Deepavali - Festival of Lights

Deepavali - did anyone try finding out how come got such day?
To many, it is just another Public Holiday.. but being a multi-racial country,
how many really know wat it means leh? Let me enlighten you... :)
The Hindu Festival of Diwali
{ Origin of Diwali }
The ancient story of how Diwali evolved into such a widely celebrated festival is different in various regions and states of India. In the north, particularly in Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Bihar and the surrounding areas, Diwali is the day when King Rama's coronation was celebrated in Ayodhya after his epic war with Ravana, the demon king of Lanka. By order of the royal families of Ayodhya and Mithila, the kingdom of which Sita was princess, the cities and far-flung boundaries of these kingdoms were lit up with rows of lamps, glittering on dark nights to welcome home the divine king Rama and his queen Sita after 14 years of exile, ending with an across-the-seas war in which the whole of the kingdom of Lanka was destroyed.
(extracted from
Diwali is the Hindu festival welcoming Ram and Sita out of the forest and celebrating the Hindu new year. It is one of the greatest Indian festivals that is celebrated all over India. It is a huge family festival starting with worship followed by a celebration breakfast. Families dress in new clothes and jewels and go visiting others. They exchange gifts and sweets. It is a time to forget quarrels and make up with people that are no longer friends. At night every building is lit with little lamps in hopes that Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth will bless them. The celebration of Diwali lasts for five days.
So, another lesson learnt today arh? :p